Sunday, May 8, 2011


by George Orwell

Here is a short synopsis of the book 1984 on wiki.
Nineteen Eighty-Four (sometimes written 1984) is a 1948 dystopian novel written by George Orwell, about an oligarchical, collectivist society. Life in the Oceanian province of Airstrip One is a world of perpetual war, pervasive government surveillance, and incessant public mind control. The individual is always subordinated to the state, and it is in part this philosophy which allows the Party to manipulate and control humanity. In the Ministry of Truth, protagonist Winston Smith is a civil servant responsible for perpetuating the Party's propaganda by revising historical records to render the Party omniscient and always correct, yet his meager existence disillusions him to the point of seeking rebellion against Big Brother, eventually leading to his arrest, torture, and reconversion.
 I will first review the book's plot. I is solid and the pacing is good, the story never really drags for too long and the turns in direction are at times unexpected. If not unexpected, they are at least developed very organically without any force to an ends.

The characters are well developed and believable, fully fleshed out and the writing style is suitable for this sort of dreary dystopian scenery. Orwell really is masterful in conveying the dread and hopelessness of his dystopian world. There is close to no space for questioning the logic of his world as all his loops of logic that one may question are closed off, and the reasoning behind every action in the story is well explained. Even if there were to be any question, he leads the reader on with such strange logic that you could only find one possible line of logic is possible at the end.

As a whole, this book is well written. However, after reading it I just felt crappy because the ending was so hopeless and crazy. I need to read something else, so freaking depressing.

Wednesday, May 4, 2011

Vltava River, Prague

Original photo by the TheAppleScientist

Just coloured these in just now, I think this is one of my best ones to date. The colours and tone work is perhaps getting better now.

The Adventures of Sherlock Holmes

by Sir Arthur Conan Doyle

Short description from wikipedia.
The Adventures of Sherlock Holmes is a collection of twelve stories by Arthur Conan Doyle, featuring his famous detective and illustrated by Sidney Paget.
The 12 stories in this collection are:

I love these stories. He has a way of analyzing the minutiae and using those to solve mysteries. Some are fairly obvious, but his skills of deductions are still amazing. Shall carry on next with the Sign of Four which I am halfway through.

Bridge To Serenity

Based on a photo by AliEnX7587

Back to doing a pencil sketch for this. Have a thought of doing something with colour for this but maybe I will try that later.


I did three interpretations of this picture by Flying-Fossa

First one is sort of minimalistic forms using simple colours.

Second one is playing with lots of shapes and patterns to form a picture.
Third is heavier on the colour and working on tones and colour mixture.