Sunday, November 15, 2009


by the constantly abhorrent mind

Sleep that gives no rest
I sleep a lot, I sleep just plenty.
When I awake, I feel I didn't get any.
Walk around in a daze that is hazy,
Some might think I'm just plain lazy.

Food that does not fill
I eat a lot, I eat just plenty,
But after a while, I still get hungry.
Thinking of food tasty and yummy,
Caving to cravings just makes me sickly.

Work that brings no fulfillment
I work a lot, I work just plenty,
Taking all my time, I'm not left with any.
Stress so much that the brain's gone kooky,
What I have to show is nonentity.

Play that provides no pleasure
I play a lot, I play just plenty,
Still I want more, never saying enough already.
Activities of multitude and great variety,
Blissful moments, though not really happy.

Misery that has no meaning
I'm miserable a lot, I'm miserable just plenty,
Why this is so, the reasons escape me.
Persistent discontent leaves me perpetually gloomy,
Might one day drive to sheer lunacy.


veep said...

wahseh. u can rhyme so fluently and effortlessly, it doesnt sound pained or strained. very good! :) has a good meaning, but it has less room for interpretation.
this is really good expression btw :)

Lydia said...

I feel all that you write and this.....

Annoyance that drives me crazy,
I'm annoyed a lot, I'm anooyed just plenty,
Annoyance that eats at me daily,
Annoyance with work, life and me,
Can this annoyance not get at me.

Unknown said...

Hahaha! Ur sis is funny :) Yeah, u do sound like u're never contented and easily annoyed by anything! Nevertheless, good rhymes.:)

FrItZ said...

is that a song?

Ecner said...

It's a poem.

LX said...

Hey, you left the Gtalk msg when I was on mobile.. only remembered now. Good poem you've got there! I think you can make it into a song..

jazz said...

eh since u know how to play guitar, make it into a song ah.. :P