Saturday, October 2, 2010

Book Reviews

I am now branching out to reading a lot of non fictions these days and well, for some books it is very difficult to read cover to cover. So I shall from now also include books that I have read sufficiently much for me to form some opinion on it for a review. Like I've been reading lots of philosophy books. Reading the whole of these books, I might as well go get myself a philosophy degree also. Not happening, I'm reading just for the interest of it.

Also, there are books of poetry I'm reading, like Paulo Neruda. Those books you would not read cover to cover also, they are not really ordered that you need to read the whole book anyways. Maybe a few poems together but certainly not the whole book. 

That said I should probably include genres and type of books I'm reading from now on in my blogpost tags, the range is getting quite vast for me to just tag the authors I think. Better way of ordering is required.

Another thing is I'm making up a full list of books I am to read, books I have and book wishlist. Probably going up on my blog soon. That is to track the books I have and the books I want! And which I have. That's because I actually 2 of some books. I have 2 Vampire Armands and 2 Witch of Portobello's. Giving it to my sister or something...So yeah, I'm not that rich to  buy multiple versions of books.

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