Wednesday, December 8, 2010

Tales of Love & Loss

by Knut Hamsun (translated by Robert Ferguson)

I got this collection of short stories from the library and honestly I have never heard of Knut Hamsun before. I read several of the stories and felt the stories were really weird. It threw me to a time and place that was very unfamiliar and I did not know how to make heads or tails of the story. But after reading several more, the stories really were amazing, the characters vivid and the stories really stretch emotions.

The stories felt like the prelude to something bigger and greater, and I think the stories really were just that to his novel. I am looking forward to reading more of Hamsun's work to find out. Absolutely wonderful writing. I do not know this different style of writing is due to the time period, the place he comes from or just simply what a wonderful writer he is. Most probably all three and I am so glad I stumbled upon this book in the library, opens a whole new way of writing for me.

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