Monday, February 14, 2011

Hamlet: Prince of Denmark

by The Old Mill Theatre

Description of play from the Old Mill Theatre website.
Production: February 4-19, 2011

The Old Mill Theatre is opening its 2011 season this February with one of Shakespeare’s all-time greatest blockbusters. Directed by the experienced and well-known John Milson, Hamlet has been described as “the greatest play, by the greatest writer who ever lived”. The play is set in the kingdom of Denmark and tells the story of Prince Hamlet gaining revenge on his uncle Claudius for murdering the king – Hamlet’s father and Claudius’ brother – after he gains the throne and marries the widowed queen.

Overall, it was good. To date the longest play I have seen, 2 intermissions. I think the whole thing was close to 3 hours. Good that the acting and directing was decent, if not I definitely would have walked out half way through.

A little bit to say about costume though., The younger characters in the play seem to be dressed up almost like vampires in Twilight, which was sort of lame. And Hamlet seems like a whiny teenager. On that note, most of them seem like whiny teenagers. I don't know if that is how it is supposed to be but in the end I was actually happy they all died. All the characters complain too much about how crappy their lives are.

Anyways, it is after all Shakespeare. And the words are delicious, like caramel coated sweets.

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