Friday, March 11, 2011

Hay Fever

at the Garrick Theatre

This is the synopsis from their website.

Hay Fever, a luminous and entertaining comedy, introduces you to the Bliss family: a retired acrtess mother, a novelist father and two children for whom all the world, literally, is a stage. Their outrageous antics alternately infuriate and astound their hapless weekend guests, all of whom have been individually invited for a weekend tete-a-tete.
Rousing fights, surprise engagements and fevered declarations of love drive the poor guests from the house, leaving the family happily bickering and playing amongst themselves as this stylish comedy bounces to it's inevitable and intoxicating end.

It was quite funny and light hearted. They were absolutely the most melodramatic family I have seen and their acting was very good. I especially liked the mother and the 2 children, they played their roles well. Start to end, it was quirky and a really off-beat sort of comedy. It you do not get wit, you probably won't get this. Quite peculiar sort of humour.

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