Thursday, May 2, 2013


by Mary Roach
Very interesting book about sex. Sex is such a fundamental thing to humans, and to most living creatures. But there is so much taboo surrounding it, due to society's beliefs, religion etc. This also has hampered the progress made on human sex in the field of science. There is so little research done on this matter, because, well, it is awkward. Where would researchers get funding, and they get skeptical looks from their peers, as being perverts. Well, this book gathers all there is to say about the matter, about science and medicine and sheds light on the many taboo topics of sex. Like did you know, a person paralyzed can still achieve orgasm. I did not know that, so that was interesting. The book talks about mechanics of sex, and also people's reaction to matters of sex, and most interesting to me as a fellow researcher, the scientific process in sex research. Anyways, nothing too technical, easily understood by the layman, and Roach does amazingly in talking about the subject matter with such wit. Wonderful book.

Fat Sugar Salt: How the Food Giants Hooked Us

by Michael Moss

This is a very well-written book about the three tenets of the processed food industry. It describes in detail how the industry manipulates each of these components and combine them to create the most delicious things, that are actually no that good for your well-being. But hey, they are cheap and they taste awesome. That's why they sell. A very insightful, I definitely changed the way I have been eating, or at least look at the nutrition label with a new-found criticality now. Great book by this Pulitzer prize winning author.