Wednesday, November 30, 2011


by David Wiedemer, Robert A. Wiedemer and Cindy S. Spitzer

This economics book on the US Bubble Economy is a good read. Seems pretty comprehensive and plausible on the events occurring during the housing market crises, and also predicting the ensuing things to come in the economic sphere.

The writing itself is quite hard to read at times as the writer seems to treat it's audience like idiots and repeating things over and over in an overly simplified manner. I do agree with the analysis made but it just seems to be a very abrasive way of writing that will not please anyone, even those who agree with them. The writing tone could have been more diplomatic. It is a very pedestrian way of writing.

Well, any advice from books like this should be taken with skepticism and so one should do their own research and study economics and the market for themselves before agreeinf with this sort of thing too completely.

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