Wednesday, June 22, 2011

The Langoliers

by Stephen King

Just finished this a moment ago. I remember first watching a movie of this when I was little and how much I was creeped out by it. Not really pure fear, but a slow feeling of foreboding. It was really quite wonderful. And the thing is I don't think I watched the ending of that movie. So now I've picked up on reading the story (which is always better than their movie counterparts).

A complete synopsis here. The gist of the story is this. A bunch of people board a plane. 30 minuets into takeoff, almost the whole plane is empty and the remaining passengers awaken to this strange situation. They are finally able to land at Bangor Airport, Maine. When they get there, they discover it is almost exactly like the world they were in before, except that this world is utterly void of people and any living creature. And also there is the sound, the crackling sound. Sound like rice crispy popping from afar, as described by one of the passengers. This sound, it is getting closer too. The crackling rice crispies, coming closer and closer...

This is one of my favourite stories. The pacing is quite good, you never get out of breath or feel it is being dragged out too long. There are also several interesting themes and plot elements to it. The characters also, are unique and believable. Great story all in all.

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