Monday, June 20, 2011

Memnoch The Devil

by Anne Rice

This is the fifth book in the Vampire Chronicles. Short synopsis on wiki here.

To be honest, I don't know what to make of this book. It is decent. But the bulk of it can be considered taking vampires as the subject matter. It seems more a discussion of theology and evolution. And for that matter, it almost read like some simplified version of the Bible. It is very different to the previous book. Well, I can at least say the style of writing is still the same. Maybe that is just the way Anne Rice writes. Very, very descriptive. It could be painfully slow at times. At times, I even skip over details. Because really, I do not need to know the hue of the curtain. In real life I am not the type of person to go up to a piece of fabric and analyze, smell, touch, like the thing. So that is perhaps a personal preference thing. I tend to skip over these bits.

In terms of the overall plot of the Vampire Chronicles, it is flowing along quite well, and the character growth is good. But now everything has grown to such epic proportions, it is just very difficult to reduce it back to the previous scope of just vampires. It is as I have just been watching the whole Season 6 of Supernatural. The scope just is blown too big out of proportion that the story becomes generic and superficial. I would have enjoyed things more if things were kept at a more micro scale, and the details of the character relationships be described that way. Also, revealing everything of the known universe, that simply removes any mystery and wonder from the story. Again, I quote a movie I loved. The Matrix. If they left it at that it would have been wonderful, one would just imagine the rest. But they made the next two movies and that just killed everything. It became too superficial, generic. This is particularly true for horror and vampires. They are mysterious and dark creatures. This story sort of puts them in their place. I don't like vampires being put in their place, I like to NOT know, I like to guess and never know. Ah, it can't be undone anyways.

I think I will take a break from the Vampire Chronicles, the story telling style can be weary if one reads too much at once. It is like rich food. Even if you have the loveliest dished for a week, if it is the same thing, you will get sick of it. So it's time for a change for me. Need to return to my horror roots, and read up on more horror fiction.

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