Tuesday, March 2, 2010

The Other Hole

by Harold the other mole

My name is Harold. I am a mole. I live in a hole. My hole is very big because I dug it very wide and very deep. It is huge, it is lovely. But the other moles say George's hole is better. Why? Mine is bigger. And grander. So mine is best isn't it? I invited Marjorie over and she said George's hole was better too! The nerve, in my own house! So I slapped her. That really had her going. She whacked me across the head and I passed out (widely known fact female moles are much stronger than male moles). I woke up and Marj was gone. I hate my hole. I want George's hole.

1 comment:

Cereal said...

i really like this one A LOT!!

I want to see how George's hole looks like.