Sunday, March 14, 2010

Dreamweaver (Part 1)

This story is about a girl called Lucy. She is eight  years old. Like any other girl her age, she likes playing with dolls and with her little cooking set. But most of all she likes her farm animal set. She likes the sheep particularly because they are soft and fluffy.

She likes her friends at school and they like her a lot too because she always share her toys and treats. She is very sweet and polite to everyone. Lucy is also very smart for her age. She asks plenty of intelligent questions and is curious about things she sees and people she meet. her parents, Mr. and Mrs. Adwater are very proud of Lucy. They would often show off to their friends what a wonderful child Lucy is and they all agree when they meet Lucy how perfectly delightful she is.

There was however something which would change Lucy's life from being an ordinary girl to an extraordinary one. Here is what it is. One evening, Lucy had a great big supper. Lucy was finding it very difficult to sleep. She flipped left and right, and turned around and laid on the opposite end of her bed. Then she tried jumping up and down several times and then standing on her head. She even counted fluffy sheep. She was very smart and could count to a thousand sheep. Then after that she counted another thousand sheep. She did all this and did it again to make sure. She tried everything. Nothing worked. She could not sleep. She finally gave up and laid there exhausted. Then she fell asleep.

The dream she had that night was a dream unlike any other dream. Normally she would dream of castles and fairies and sheep. Lovely sheep. She loved sheep. No, tonight she did not dream of castles, nor fairies, nor  sheep. In this dream it was night time and she was lying on a plain grass field stretching flat in all directions. She looked up at the sky and the stars were shining and blinking at her. She laid down and looked at the stars and smiled to herself. Normally Lucy was not allowed outside at night, so she was really happy she could see all the lovely stars. But then she was interrupted by a figure standing over her. The figure was blocking her view. Lucy sat up and the figure jumped back when Lucy did so.

"Hi, I'm Lucy. Who are you?" Lucy asked and extended her right hand to the figure.

"I...I...I Rupert," the figure said shuffling away from Lucy. "I mean my name is Rupert. Rupert Yellowstone. What are you doing here? You are not allowed here."

"Very nice to meet you Rupert Rupert Yellowstone."

"No, just Rupert Yellowstone. You just say Rupert once."

Lucy giggled. "Well, you really should just say it once then if you want people to say it once."

Rupert's pale face had now turned quite crimson. "What are you doing here I said. You are not allowed here."

"I don't know. I was trying very hard to fall asleep. I turned left and right and up and down and nothing happened. Then I jumped up and down. And I counted sheep. To a thousand. Twice. And still I could not sleep. Then I did it all again. And I just found myself here."

"Well, that's just great. And the great Professor said no one would EVER do such a ridiculous thing. Obviously he wasn't thinking of ridiculous little girls who could not get to sleep like you."

"What are you talking about. Never mind about that. Have you seen the stars tonight? They're awfully bright, aren't they?"

Lucy looked at the sky again and began skipping around Rupert. Rupert looked up and saw the stars stirring with Lucy's skipping, following her path.

"No, no. This is no good at all. Come with me." Rupert grabbed Lucy by the arm and began walking.

"Wait, where are we going? There's nothing anywhere around."

They were pacing along in what seemed like no particular direction. The flat lands stretched everywhere and there was nothing to be seen over the horizon. Lucy tried to pry Rupert's hands off her arm but he grip was firm. Lucy struggled all the way till Rupert suddenly stopped and let go of her arm.

Rupert reached into his right coat pocket and pulled out a little pouch. He reached into it and his hand grabbed a handful of dark red powder. He sprinkled it onto the ground in a straight line. Lucy stepped closer to look at the line of red powder Rupert had sprinkled. He then stomped on his foot three times. A door sprang up from the ground and Lucy jumped back to avoid being hit square in the chin. The door looked perfectly solid and strong. Lucy knocked on the door to make sure. Rupert held her arm to stop her after her third knock.
"That's quite enough. Let's go."

Rupert opened the door and through it was a great big room. It looked like it was covered by an invisible veil where the door was which made the room on the other side distorted. Rupert held onto Lucy's arm and led her through. Lucy looked back one last time leaving the starry open field, moving through the door. She thought to herself, this would be a wonderful place to have sheep.

To be continued...


LX said...

Is this your paeds story?

Lawrence said...

LX, you are like a dictionary I have never read. with the bkt's and what-have -u's. Now, what is paeds?

Lydia said...

interesting! write faster so i know the ending!

LX said...

I mean paediatrics..

bkt is bah kut teh??

Cereal said...


awesome!! i like her obsession for sheep. can't wait for this to be continued! :D

Lawrence said...

ly: still figuring the rest of the story out.

LX: yes, this 1 is kiddy story. but i was writing another 1 n that 1's halfway written, well less than halfway.i will get back to that also.

Cereal: sheeps are awesome. :)